Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How Tos

I've been pondering what guides I was going to do next and here I will compose I list of guides I plan on doing.

How to Crochet

Single Crochet -in progress
Double Crochet -in progress
Treble Crochet -in progress
Zigzag pattern (my own) -in progress
Granny square -in progress
Solid Granny square -in progress
Variation Granny square -in progress
No turn granny square -in progress
Joining colors -in progress
Joining colors (granny square turn and no turn) -in progress
Tungsten Crochet -complete

That is all I can think of for now I will add posts as they come to me or if there is a demand for anything further.

I will also be adding links to each guide as they are finished and posted so this could also serve as a quick link guide.

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