Alrighty, since this is my first blog entry I will try to make this as painless (for me) as possible.
A little background
- My name is Jen
- I am currently 22 (as of this post)
- I am a very pale female (hence the vampire)
- Knitting: 4 years (self taught)
- Crochet: 5 years (self taught)
- Hand Sewing: Off and On since age 7 (many needle pricks later)
- Machine Sewing Off and On since age 9
The purpose of this blog is so maybe I will cease annoying my fiance by talking about yarn all the time. The poor guy already has to deal with my ever increasing hoard of yarn all the time, so I figured he needed a break. I doubt it will stop me from annoying him all together but any moment I'm typing and
not talking his ear off is peace for him.
That's right it's all for the sake love.
Love for Him, and Love of yarn.
Well I really need to figure out what my first
real post will be.